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LL Equestrian Services at Big Sky Equestrian Center:

Private lesson  _________________________________________________________________$85

Semi Private lesson (1 hr - 2 students)  _________________________________________$65

Group lesson (1+hr - 3 students) _______________________________________________$55

Group lesson (1+hr - 4+ students) ______________________________________________$50

Training ride by Lauren _________________________________________________________$65




LL Equestrian Show Services:

**Any eventing shows where Lauren has to leave BEFORE wednesday will have a $50 surcharge added

to the coaching fees due to the length of the show (Usually Montana/Galway/Inavale/Aspen)



Eventing (3 days) Show Coaching ________________________________________________$225/show

Eventing (2 days) Show Coaching ________________________________________________$200/show

Eventing (1 day) Show Coaching _________________________________________________$100/show

Eventing (FEI-L/N3D/T3D) Show Coaching  _______________________________________$275/show

Combined Test Coaching + 1 Cross Country Schooling ___________________________$200/show

Hunter/Jumper/Dressage one-day Show Coaching _______________________________$50/day

Hunter/Jumper/Dressage one-day Lauren showing your horse  __________________$50/day

Hotel fee if Lauren has to overnight  ____________________Cost of room dived by # students

Golf cart rental (usually Galway/Montana/Aspen)   ______Cost of carts dived by # students


LL Equestrian Schooling Fees:



Cross Country Schooling _________________________________________________________$75

Lauren schooling your horse for you _____________________________________________$85



LL Equestrian Trailering Fees:

2 horse minimum in trailer -- if single horse FEES DOUBLE

$0.65/mile and $20 minimum


Lauren Handling your horse at Big Sky or on/off trailer (if not present) __________________$20/horse

Horse going in Lauren's trailer to a show and you are not present for the offloading __$35/setup


Ram Tap______________________________________________________________________________________$230

Woodside Horse Park (price includes tolls) ___________________________________________________$200

Twin Rivers Ranch ____________________________________________________________________________$380

Galway Downs (subject to change)   __________________________________________________________$625

Rebecca Farms (subject to change) ___________________________________________________________$1,250

Leone Equestrian _____________________________________________________________________________$50

Loomis Basin Equine  _________________________________________________________________________$50 

Marty Gardners Office **NOTE hourly rate for Lauren's time - $30/h split between clients____$60

Rancho Murieta Equestrian Center/ Starr Vaughn/ Dragonfire/PEC ___________________________$50

UC Davis Med Center  _________________________________________________________________________$65

Woodland Stallion Station/ Holly Fox Farms ___________________________________________________$70

Fee for handling your horse (if you are not present) ___________________________________________$20



Miscellaneous Fees:


Hourly rate for Lauren's time for vet checks, shots, shoes, etc __________________________________$30/hour

Buying/Selling a horse with Laurens help (going to try horses, consultations etc) __10% of purchase price

Use of Lauren's Banimine________________________________________________________________________$15/dose

Use of Lauren's Vet supplies_______________________________________________________replenish what you use



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